Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Hey Cuteboozers!

Happy Hump day, aka Wedding Wednesday here at headquarters.   This week, we want to celebrate all you bridesmaids out there!  At, we know a little something about being bridesmaids.  We've worn the fancy (and occasionally horrible) dresses, smiled our way through through countless photographs, and been there for the many bouquet tosses.   So today, we celebrate you Bridesmaids!  Keep your chins up and glasses full!  Make sure to attract those eligible bachelors with our Wedding Wednesday selection for this week.  For all you brides out there, honor your bridesmaids with Lolita's Always a Bridesmaid glass and celebrate with your favorite chilled wine, martini, or even a bottle of bubbly! 

Buy it here:

Love in bubbles, 

The team

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