Saturday, October 18, 2014

Drink of the Week - Zombie Cocktail

  • 1 oz apricot brandy  
  • 1 oz light rum
  • 1 oz dark or Jamacican rum
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 2 dashes grenadine
  • orange juice
  • 1 oz Bacardi 151 rum

Mix light and dark rum and brandy in a cocktail shaker, add lime juice and grenadine. Shake well and strain into a higball glass filled with cracked ice. Fill glass with orange juice but leave enough room to float the 151 on top. 

Garnish: Cherry and orange slice 

Favorite recipe from
Friday, October 17, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

7 Made-For-Kids Drinks That Would Taste A Lot Better With Booze

Kids' drinks are served on the way-too-sweet side: They're so sweet it's near-impossible to sip from the straw of a juice box without ending up with sticky fingers.

Our grown-up taste buds can't handle the beverages straight from their cartoon-clad packages, but we've found another way to drink the liquid candy. It pairs just perfectly with the astringent notes of alcohol, which is exactly why we've reimagined some well-known kiddie beverages into something appropriate to drink only after the young'uns are off counting sheep. Take a look at these concoctions below (and do note, these are for 21+ palates, only):

1. CapriSun Rum Punch

Unless you can find a way to get the rum into the pouch, you'll have to forgo the fun, malleable CapriSun sac to enjoy this combo. Cut the spicy alcohol with a bit of this lunchbox favorite, and you'll feel like you're vacationing on a tropical island.

2. SoKool-Aid

Mix a bottle of Southern Comfort, a bottle of peach schnapps, and a gallon of water with 6 gallons of powdered Great Bluedini Kool-Aid. Oh yeah, you've got a pretty cool party mix.

3. Tequila Sunny D Rise

If you can snag a squeeze bottle, this'll be a lot more fun. Pour out about a third of the Sunny D, add 1.5 oz tequila and a bit of grenadine syrup. Shake, squeeze and slurp.

4. Cherry Amaretto

Pour 2 parts amaretto with 1 part cherry juice into a shaker. Shake and strain over ice.

5. Girl Scouts White Russian

When we tried this limited edition Girl Scouts cookie drink, our taste buds were begging for vodka. Make Nesquik a bit more adult with equal parts vodka and milky beverage served chilled over ice.

6. Gin And Juice (Box)

Citrus and gin go together like ... gin and juice? So this tangy-sweet combination is prime. Mix 2 parts gin with 1 part Hi-C. Add a little seltzer and a squeeze of lime if you like.

7. Ssipskey

Remember these little boxes of iced tea lemonade you sipped on in your youth? They're sweet to the point of syrupy. Now that your taste buds have matured, you'll need to assail the sugar with the bite of whiskey. Try two parts whiskey and one part Ssips straight up.

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